Monday, August 21, 2006



Korean War

Korean war, begun on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27,1953. It started as a civil war between communist North Korea and republic South Korea when North and South Korea wanted to control over the Korean peninsula. Then it quickly became a Cold War conflict between United States and its allies that supported South Korea, and the communist power of the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union, that supported North Korea. On September 15, 1953, General MacArthur's army took back Seoul, South Korea's capital city, and succeeded in stopping the expansion of the North Koreans. On July 27, 1953 Korean war was ended and neither side won the war. Korea has been separated into North and South Korea until today.

This is the map of Korea. It shows that North and South Korea are seperated at the 38th parallel line.

Us. And USSR tensions that caused "Cold War"

The 1950s was the period of rise in tensions between the United States and the Soviet union. The Cold War begun as a geopolotical, and economic struggle between the Soviet Union and the United Sates. but it intensified and caused the Arms Race, the Space Race, and the Korean War. During this time, the Warsaw Pact and NATO were founded. Warsaw Pact was an organization of Central and Eastern European Communist states. It was made to counter the attack from the NATO. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, was made so that USSR and its allies attacked any of the NATO members, it would be treated as if it was an attack on all members states. The member of NATO were U.S., Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greece, and Turkey. The members of Warsaw Pact are Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czecho, Slovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

This map shows two essential global spheres during the Cold War in 1959.

Suez Crisis

The Suez Crisis is also known as the Suez War. It was started in 1956 when Egypt fought against an alliance between the United Kingdom, France, and Isarael in order to control the Suez Canal. The canal was so important because it allows water transportation between Europe and Asia without circumnavigation of Africa. On October 29, 1956, Isarael invaded the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula, and moved towards the Canal Zone. In 1957, all Isarael troops withdrew from the Sinai and the United Nation Force was placed in Sinai. But the Egyptian government demanded UN forces to withdraw and this led to the Six-Day War. During the war, Isarael took over the east bank of the canal and therefore the canl was closed until June 1975.

On October 29, 1956, Israel invaded the Gaza strip and the Sinai Peninsula and made rapid progress towards the Canal Zone.


Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman was the thrity-third President of the United States (1945-1953). He became the President after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, while he was Vice President.
While he was in office, he had victory overGermany and ordered the drop of the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And ended World War II. He created the united NAgions, NATO, and started the beginning of the Cold War.

He was a president until 1953, and he was succeeded by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

On Febuary 6, 1652, upon the death of her father, King George, VI, Elizabeth became queen of the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nolrther Iceland, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahams, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, and other countries known as Commonwealth of Nations. Because these nations are treated equally and independent, she is the world's only monarch who is also Head of State of more than one independent nation.

Queen Elizabeth II is a second-longest-reigning head of state in the world after King Bhumibol of Thailand.

Dwight D Eisen Hower

He was an American solider and politcan. (1890-1969) He served as an Supreme Commander of Aliied forces in Europe durign World War II. In 1949, he became the first supreme commander commander of NATO. As a republican, he was elected the 34th president of the U.S. (1953-1961). He ended the Korean war, launched the space race, built the intersafe Highway system, and kept up the pressure on the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

He was a president after Harry S. Truman and was succeeded by John F. Kennedy.


Sputnik 1

The word "Sputnik" means "travel companion" in Russian word. Sputnik 1 was the first artificiual satellite to be put into orbit on October 4, 1657 by Soviet Union. It was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome at Tyuratam in Kazakhstan by 12-7 rocket. This started the beginning of the space race and a movement to reform Science education.

The Sputnik 1 satellite was a 58.0 cm-diameter aluminum sphere.

Radio and Television

Television replaced radio as the dominant mass medium in industrialized countries. Popular television programs in the U.S. are Texaco Star Theater, Arthur GodfreyL Talent Scouts, I love Lucy, tec. The Twilight
Zone was known as the first major science-fiction show
This is a picture of a Braun HF 1 television in Germany, 1958.


Elvis Presley

He is known as Elvis and also called "The king of Rock n' Roll". He was the most succesful singer of Rock n' Roll, but he also sang ballads, country music as well as gospel. In a musical career, he set records for concert attendance, television rating, and record sales, and became one of the biggest ratings, and record sales, and became one of the biggest selling artists in music history. He died ffrom a heart attack combined with abuse of prescripton drugs, in Memph's, tennesse. He died at the age of 42.

He was popular from 1954 - 1977.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

