Sunday, November 19, 2006

Russian Propaganda Poster Weblog Project

Russian Propaganda


Weblog Project

Propaganda poster

is a part of an organized program of publicity in the media of selected information to promote a doctrine, ideology or practice. It gives ideas to make people follow through posters and make them believe to what is on there. It might help or harm a person or a group of people and we can learn from the posters and compare Propaganda posters to the real world and truth as well.

The poster says "Who are you with, them or us?. In the poster there are red and white people so the poster is showing a picture of the Reds and the Whites, the white person in the middle is answering to the Reds' question as I can see and they are probably going to have a fight very soon. As you can see, the Reds are much bigger than the Whites, the Whites people are small and fat while the Reds are huge so it means that the Reds are stronger than the Whites in the picture. Therefore, the poster is trying to encourage Russian people to join the Reds but not the Whites and so, this poster is a Bolshevik's poster for sure. The poster is very effective and the Bolsheviks used this poster to gain more power and bring more people to them.

This poster says "Communists, forward!". In the poster, there is a picture of Lenin in the middle surrounds by people who believe and follow Communism. It shows that Lenin is a leader of Communism and many people believe in him and Communism. These people will help Lenin whenever and whatever he wanted to do something becuase Lenin was a leader of them. By looking at the picture you will see that there are many kinds of helpers who work for Lenin too. The poster is effective because it is in red, the color of the Bolsheviks which had Lenin as a leader and they believe in Communist and when people see this picture they would likely to join the Communists.

The poster shows a big picture zoom-in at Lenin face with a red ribbon below. It means that Lenin was a leader of the Reds or Bolsheviks becuase the red color of the ribbon represents the Bolsheviks. And the big face of Lenin shows that Lenin is a powerful, strong, confidence and a strong leader. His eyes are looking at something, look like he is planning something for his people and it shows that he is a good leader as well. His eyes are telling the people that he is proud of them and planning good future for everyone as well. The poster is very effective, i think anyone who see this picture will realize that Lenin is so powerful and he or she need to respect this person in the poster which is Lenin.

The picture says " Don't look where the bosses point their fingers to - have your own mind! ". The picture has a background black so we will concentrate on a big finger and a small guy above it. The finger is pointing to the same direction with a small guy above it which i believe is a leader in this case. It means the leader is trying to order his people to do soemthing so this poster is trying to tell people not to follow the leaders but do what they want to do. The poster is trying to encourage people to join the revolutionaries whom don't like their leaders at that time in Russia.

The words in the poster say "Work and live as Lenin wanted!". The whole poster is in pure red which is a color of the Bolsheviks that Lenin control. to show Lenin power by putting a big picture of LeninWith this color, it makes this poster more effective. This poster is trying to bring more people to work and respect Lenin, the poster is trying. I think many people will start working for Lenin more and more after seeing this poster. Also, Lenin in the poster is looking straight out to us which means he is expecting of something which i believe is good result.

"The future is with us. Leninism is our ideal!"is what on the poster and it means the future is with Lenin and everyone and they believe in Leninism. This is a picture of Lenin and his supporters. Lenin face is the biggest because he is the leader and his supporters are smaller. The background of the poster is in red as you know, the Bolsheviks color but there is a symbol at the top-left hand corner. The symbol has hammer and sickle put together. The hammer represents the factories workers and to make things equal and the sickle symbolizes the farmers. If you concentrate on Lenin and his supporters' eyes, you will realize that they are looking toward a good and bright future for Russian people. This is Lenin's poster to encourage people to believe in Lenin.

In conclusion, i think the Propaganda posters are very useful and important becuase they give us very important masseges and ideas. It gives us an idea of what government is trying to say or tell to the people. Most of my posters are about Lenin and the Bolsheviks and every posters will have red color on it becuase its the color that represent Bolsheviks. I think Russian leaders were very clever and had good imaginations because they chose to use Propaganda posters to gain power and encourage people to do something that they expected. Propaganda posters were very influential and effective and every of them always give good selected and strong masseges that make people try to think what the masseges are. Nowonder why Russian people believed and trusted their leaders so much.


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